routines + resilience
Did you know that your morning routine affects your overall health?
The way you start your day sets the tone for everything that comes after– having a productive morning routine actually keeps you consistent in your healthy eating and exercise habits.
Life is chaotic, and our schedules are constantly changing. It becomes really difficult to plan a healthy day when we don’t always know what to expect. In this day and age, it is so important to control whatever we can control and establish self care as a routine… We can do the same things done over and over again until they are second nature.
Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University and also a huge health nut. Over the years, he has shared his versions of his morning routines that jump start his day, keep his brain and his body working, and regulate his mood and productivity. Here are some highlights:
Wake Up Early - Early mornings means more time in the day to get stuff done! This is also great for your circadian rhythm, which means that you’ll also get better sleep.
Natural Light - Even 15 minutes of sun exposure every day can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you live in a place without a lot of natural light (hello Portland, Oregon), invest in a light box or artificial sun lamp for the same effect.
High Protein Breakfast - Protein keeps the body satiated and will also help you maintain focus and energy throughout the day!
Journal - Before using any technology, take a second to journal. Your original, uninterrupted thoughts and feelings deserve a chance to be processed without distraction.
Wherever you are in your health journey, the way you start your day will be hugely impactful on your results. Take some time this week to practice a morning routine that works for you!
“The key to success is failure.” -Michael Jordan
You’ve probably heard that Michael Jordan was cut by the varsity basketball team during his sophomore year. Yes, Michael Jordan - 6x NBA Champion, 6x NBA Finals MVP, and likely the greatest basketball player of all time - was cut by his varsity basketball team…
And that’s why he knows that being the best has very little to do with winning, and everything to do with losing. The way you handle failure is the greatest indicator of whether or not you will ever reach your goal - do you fall flat on your face, or do you get right back up and try again? In this world, we are taught lessons over and over again until we learn them. You will fail over and over again until you get it right… but you can’t ever get it right if you give up first.
Success is provided to those who have learned through failure. This week, remember that the only real way to lose is to quit, so work on your resilience. It’s the fastest way to get where you’re headed!