Did you know that eating your veggies helps you make better decisions?
It might sound crazy, but stick with me…
Your gut and your brain are directly linked- many brain chemicals are actually synthesized in the gut AND 95% of serotonin (happiness) is created through gut bacteria. If your goal is to make healthy, balanced decisions, you gotta prioritize healthy, balanced foods.
When you’re stressed, it’s common to turn to “comfort foods” to make you feel better. “Comfort foods” usually aren’t the easiest on your body- they can cause all sorts of digestive issues that actually hurt your gut bacteria. As the microbiome in your body is deprived of nutrition, you start to lose serotonin. When your gut suffers, so does your brain!
On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are full of fiber and nutrients that feed the “good” bacteria in your gut and keep your microbiome thriving. You know how people say to “trust your gut” or to listen to your “gut feeling”? It’s because your intuition is so rooted in your body’s microbiome and how you’re fueling it. It’s no surprise, then, that you make better decisions when you’re in good moods and worse decisions when you’re anxious.
So the next time you’re dealing with a big decision, turn to nutrition. Eat your veggies and let your gut do the rest!
“Expectations are like fine pottery. The harder you hold them, the more likely they are to crack.” -Brandon Sanderson
I am so guilty of getting attached to outcomes and losing hope when my expectations aren’t met... and that makes life really, really hard to live. I lose sight of my growth and progress and all the tiny beautiful things that make the human experience so, so special.
Human expectations come from such a tiny frame of reference, and as soon as we surrender them, we get to be surprised and delighted and given an experience so far beyond anything we could ever imagine. It just takes a little faith to believe that everything will work out exactly the way it is meant to.
This week, remember that it really isn’t about the destination; it's about the journey and who we become through it. What expectations do you need to let go of?